Ikura is the Japanese term used to refer to salmon roe, they are those little orange balls that are popular among fans of Japanese food. Atlantic salmon do not die after spawning, which is why they have been farmed since the 1960s. Norway is the world's largest producer of Atlantic salmon.

Historically red caviar, also called ikra in Russia, appears on Russian tables during the 13th century, quickly spreading to both the eastern and western parts of the country. Curiously, at that time it was used to stuff chicken or quail eggs.

The rise of ikura is closely linked to the scarcity of wild sturgeon, which led to the search for a substitute for it. In addition, the extraction of black caviar is very complex, since the aging time must be added to its lack of sexual dimorphism (it is not possible to differentiate its sex with the naked eye). The usual process to obtain the caviar is the sacrifice of the female prior to the extraction of the gonad where she stores her eggs.

You may think that the success of salmon roe is due to its unmistakable and incomparable flavor, and you are not wrong, but the truth is that we are dealing with a food with enormous nutritional value.

In addition, its intake will never become monotonous thanks to its great versatility, which will allow you to follow a varied diet, both for you and for the little ones in the home, since doctors recommend its intake from 9 months of life. both for the nutrients and for its smooth texture.


When referring to fish roe, we tend to think of sturgeon roe, which are gestated by females between the ages of 8 and 20 of their almost 100 years of life.

However, there are other much cheaper alternatives with a large amount of nutrients that are a delight on the table. This is the case of the aforementioned salmon roe, an important source of protein and vitamins.

Proteins are essential for the formation and repair of skin tissues. They also help the body internally by forming antibodies that protect us from disease. In addition, there are those that act as a transporter of other nutrients, among which are vitamins, very present in the roe.

In this same line of skin care we find vitamin E, which contributes to the maintenance of cells and helps prevent aging of skin tissue.

Other vitamins such as B promote the absorption of glucose and are vital for the proper functioning of an organ as important as the heart. This vitamin is complemented by Omega 3, which helps cardiovascular function, among its many properties.

It is not the only one, as it is also presented as one of the biggest enemies of obesity. Its consumption, combined with a nutrient-rich diet and regular physical exercise, also contributes to cardiovascular health.

Omega 3 has anti-inflammatory properties, and can help treat conditions that involve chronic inflammation. In this way, it reduces the production of inflammatory molecules in stressed and obese people.

And it is that if something stands out from among the infinity of benefits that eating salmon roe reports, it is the number of diseases and health problems that they are able to keep at bay. As if that were not enough, how advantageous they are for the heart and their benefits on the skin tissue (in addition to keeping the skin smooth, thus delaying the appearance of wrinkles, it prevents the appearance of spots on them) we can highlight that, thanks to other nutrients such as Vitamin A, its consumption reduces the risk of cancer.

The energy they provide will help us face the day with all the vitality it requires, making each hour more efficient and keeping anemia under control. This property is due to vitamin B12, which helps in the formation of red blood cells and glucose.

Red caviar is a delicacy for the palate, known throughout the world for its unique flavor and its versatility to appear in all kinds of the most varied recipes. However, we now know that their virtues are not reduced to their taste, and that they are a great ally for our body.